Browse for banks by country and find you bank’s swift code.
SWIFT code or BIC code is a unique identification code which is used as a tool in verifying financial transactions made via Bank Wire Transfer. Bank SWIFT codes give you information like name of the bank, branch and the amount of money that is to be transferred. Our website BankSwiftCode.ORG is trusted as the best and the most precise provider of Bank Identifier Codes database in the world. You can easily access it to find any Bank Swift Code. Once you verify your swift code you are provided with a helpful tool to make any kind of payment with great ease in the future. BankSwiftCode.ORG also provides you with a list of database that enables you to tally swift codes with financial institution and office address.
This exclusive address list presents businesses and individuals in an effortless way to keep away from bank transfer and money transfer blunders.
You can browse the BIC Code / Swift Code database by country or by the bank and branch name. Swift Code Lookup is another tool that aids you to make sure that the IBAN that you prefer to make financial transactions comes from a correct financial institution.
Countries with Letter 0-R
Swift Code Search by countries opening with letter “O-R” and find your bank’s / branch related swift code
Browse for Swift Code /BIC Code in the list below with countries starting with the letter “O-R”. You will also find the bank and its branch here.